To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
Our BLOOM Program
packed full of great opportunities to learn and grow:
BLOOMmentoring: 2x monthly meetings with a woman leader
BLOOMpop-ups: monthly gathering to connect and learn together
BLOOMbasecamp: fun and fast paced conference experience
BLOOMgiveback: annual group volunteer project
BLOOMsolutions: learn professional teamwork by creating a proposed solution to a current social issue
BLOOMintership: a summer opportunity to put your skills to work with a local business or event in our community
The BLOOM program is no charge to students and is funded by charitable contributions, grants and business sponsors.
Choosing your future path can be overwhelming. Okay, downright terrifying if we’re honest with ourselves. You may have a clear idea about how you want to work and live, complete with career path options and goals. Or you may have some interests but no idea of what education, future jobs and careers could be a fit. Or you may not know what direction to head next.
At BLOOM, we want to connect you with a range of successful women across multiple roles and fields of work. Through our rotation of mentoring you’ll have conversations with women leaders and learn from their journey, their successes and missteps. Throughout the program you'll learn from your fellow students and other experts to create a rich and valuable learning experience.
And as part of our BLOOM program, we'll keep track of all your great experiences to create a resume of leadership learning that you can easily use for college, job and other applications!